The Benefits of Staging a House for Sale

Before and After Staging by Stanton Home Staging Services

What is staging?

Home staging refers to the process of preparing a home for sale in order to appeal to the greatest number of potential buyers.  The goal is to help buyers visualize themselves in the home and create an atmosphere so that the buyers feel “at home” there.   Research shows that buyers make up their minds to purchase a home within  60 seconds of stepping in the front door.  And you only get one chance to make a first impression!

Why is staging important?

Simply put, staged homes sell faster and for more money.  The National Association of Realtors has stated that staged homes sell 50% faster and for more money than non-staged homes.  Statistics show average price increases of 6.9% to 10%.

Which rooms are the most important to stage?

According to a recent report by the National Association of Realtors “2015 Profile of Home Staging”, in order of importance are: the living room, kitchen, master bedroom, dining room, bathroom, children’s bedroom, then guest room to stage.

How much does staging cost?

According to the “2015 Profile of Home Staging”, the median spend was $675 per home staged.  This amount can increase substantially if rental furniture and art are required.

What is usually involved in staging?

At a minimum, it is decluttering, thoroughly cleaning, and addressing any major aesthetic issues such as outdated fixtures or very personal paint colors.  A more complete staging process should start with a consultation in which a stager will take in the most marketable properties of a home and look to accentuate those.  The stager may recommend items to be removed, suggest new furniture placement or paint colors, rearrange art and accessories, or take measurements for rental items.  An example would be to rearrange furniture to accentuate a fire place or return a formal dining room currently used as a home office to its original intended purpose.  The goal is to create a warm inviting atmosphere that does not leave much to the imagination.

For more information or to ask us about staging your home for sale: go to or contact me at 201-463-3754.